Sunday, June 29, 2014

Un Cafe Fuerte

Asi describio el hermano Hiroki de Japon nuestra experiencia en Waspam durante los ultimos 6 meses. Como cafe muy concentrado, muy poca agua. Y tiene razon, pues a pesar de ser solo 6 meses, fueron muy llenos de actividad y trabajamos bien duro. Empezamos con la asamblea de distrito y su campana de invitación, 2 giras de una semana cada una por el Rio Coco, pintar el salon del reino, campania para la conmemoración, discurso especial, asamblea de Dia Especial. Mientras tanto, atender todos nuestros estudiantes, predicar comunidades aislados rurales casi todas las semanas, partes, asignaciones...el tiempo fue volando!
  Los Fujinos, Hiroki y Megumi fueron los mejores compañeros de casa y predicación! Siempre animosos, y amorosos y muy chistosos. Me divertí y aprendí mucho con ellos. Le oraremos a Jehova que puedan regresar pronto a Waspam como desean, para seguir sirviendo en el campo Miskitu. Han hecho un tremendo trabajo!
  La jovencita de 15 años que encontré de casa en casa un mes antes de venirme a Cali. se llama Selena. Estudio dos veces a la semana desde el momento que comenzamos el estudio. Y el primer Domingo que la invite a la reunión, asistió!  Caminando con ella de regreso de la reunión me dijo que unas compañeras de clase le habían invitado ese mismo dia a una quinceñera pero decidió ir a la reunión. Dijo que era porque me valoraba mas como amiga puesto que la enseñaba conocimiento de la biblia. Los próximos 3 Domingos asistió y en la ultima que estuve, comento durante La Atalaya. Dos veces!  Estuve muy triste despedirme de ella pero la deje en buenas manos. A pesar de estar sola en Waspam y tener oposición de familia, estuvo decidida seguir estudiando y conociendo a Jehova.  Ahorita se ha mudado a Puerto y han perdido contacto con ella, pero estoy segura que Jehova se encargara de que la encuentren.
Mi ultima semana y media en el pais pase en Puerto unos dias y después tome bus a Rosita donde se esta construyendo un nuevo Salón del Reino. Gracias a Jehova pude ayudar unos 2 días allí y después tome bus a Bonanza donde también pude ayudar 2 dias en otra construcción del Salón del Reino. Era tan diferente de lo que acostumbramos hacer en los proyectos aqui (USA). Los materiales muy diferentes y el trabajo es duro y con menos ayuda. Pero igual los hermanos y hermanas muy alegres y animosos. Aprendí amarar alambre para hacer vigas largas. También picotear cemento para emparejar los paredes de ladrillo (no mi trabajo favorito). Y acarillar arena y piedras para ayudar a los hermanos que hacían el tanque séptico. Conocí el equipo de construcción. Era bonito conocer parejas de Honduras, hermanos de diferentes partes de Nicaragua, un hermano de Puebla México. Son como una familia de Betel que trabajan juntos, comen juntos, hacen adoracion matutina y de familia. Tienen su anciano y siervos ministeriales. Trabajan de tiempo completo en esta faceta muy especial. Fue un privilegio conocerlos.

Mi linda Javi en su visita a Waspam

Campaña para la Conmemoración


Camino a Kisalaya

Marcos y Eneida

Proyecto Salon del Reino- Rosita

Proyecto Salon del Reino- Bonanza

Milvia y Jennifer en la cocina


Bonanza desde la miradora
Gracias por todo el apoyo y animo que me han mostrado mis queridos amigos y mi familia. De verdad me ayudo mucho cuando estuve cansada, o con mucho calor o queriendo mi mami, mi cama y mi refri de casa. Complete otra experiencia inolvidable. Siento un gozo tremendo servir donde hay mas necesidad como en el RAAN. De vez en cuando me pellizco porque parece increíble lo que me ha dado mi padre celestial. Jehova es MUY bueno. Ay que probarlo!;)   Hasta la proxima..

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Uba lait ulbanka, padin ai muns!

  During the months of March and April our congregation here in Waspam has had quite a bit of activity, as I’m certain was the same for every one of you.  First off, our CO visit was very encouraging! Our C.O Hugo Hernandez and wife Margarita were at the school for traveling overseers in Mexico City so Brother and sister Alverado were sent to our circuit as subs.  We have three new Ministerial Servants following that visit. Brothers Hiroki, Eliezer and Emil.  And the Leuciels informed us last year during pioneer meeting there was just the two of them and two special pioneer sisters.  This year we had 13! Nine of us here  at the time as volunteers, two assigned specials, one local young pioneer sis and a young brother serving as auxiliary pioneer.
 Two weeks later was our special day assembly in Puerto Cabezas, Miskitu on Saturday and Spanish on Sunday.  It was great to see everyone again coming from very far to arrive.  A Miskitu sister from Asang was baptized on Saturday, having to travel approx.8 hours or more on a very narrow boat down the river Coco and then another 6 hours on an extremely bumpy, cramped and dusty bus to arrive. The trip is also difficult due to the cost and the poverty in her area.  They live off the land and it is very difficult to save money for a trip like that with no income.  The sacrifice she did to arrive with her kids was huge, and evidence of her love for Jehovah.  On Sunday 3 from Puerto Cabezas Spanish were baptized and the attendance was 355.  I was able to spend a few days after the assembly eating the best Puerto has to offer including mangos and good home cooking courtesy of family Antonio.  Also spending  time with my wonderful friends and family, especially my lovely Javi.  Waspam is definitely lacking my two best roommates ever.
The following Sunday was to be the zone visit at the Central American Branch in Mexico with visiting speaker brother Loch. This year with the translation department in full swing, internet capability for the brothers is much faster and the congregations were able to enjoy the wonderful banquet prepared.

On our way back to Waspam as I fill my lungs and layer my hair and body with 10 lbs of dirt on the the bus ride back, I was actually feeling very nostalgic for Waspam and happy to arrive home. This is a good sign I think as this assignment is becoming my home.  I was eager to visit my students and jump right into memorial campaign!  That week the congregation did a thorough cleaning of the Kingdom Hall and we painted it as well! It looks SO pretty now. We were able to finish all of Waspam with the invites and a neighboring community about a 45min walk away named Ulwas.  We worked so incredibly hard to finish the territory and have everything ready.  I had the privilege again of the flower arrangements and helping out with the making of the bread.  Jehovah definitely blessed our efforts.  We had a packed house on Monday and an attendance of 106. With only about 12 local publishers and us volunteers currently in the congregation, I think it was a success. Another personal feat was being able to understand the entire talk this year in Miskitu! Something I definitely couldn’t say last year.

Today we walked two hours to the community of Kisalaya.  We spoke to many interested people, one of which was a lady who wrote down all the scriptures I read to her and she wouldn’t stop thanking us for our visit.  I think I’ll take my bike for the return visit. Another family who listened very intently offered every one of us watermelon, we were 11.  A very lovely Friday, as are most working rural territories.
I met a girl door to door around 15 years old who has come from a community about 6 hours up river for school and is staying with relatives… from what I gather. She speaks mainly Miskitu.  I asked her what she thought about the bible and if she thinks it can help us.  She mostly freely expressed how fondly she thinks of the bible as Gods word and she always wanted to understand it so she prayed and prayed to Him about it. As she would see us walk by she hoped we would come to visit her and she was so excited that today we did. I left her Gad Sturka Yamni brochure  (Good News) that Sunday and arranged to return Tuesday morning.  She said she would be waiting for me.  We arrived and she was ready with her bible, the brochure and a notebook where she had written down many scriptures she’s looked up. We studied lesson one and I showed her how to prepare. She said she would be ready with lesson 2 by my next visit.  Her enthusiasm was unbelievable.  I hope to start a good foundation prior to my departure.

The Leuciels were last week reassigned to Puerto Cabezas Spanish congregation. They did an amazing job in Waspam during their stay, worked so incredibly hard!  I admire how much they managed to work all the territory, no matter how far, and the loving care they gave to the congregation.  They have a very joyful, self-sacrificing spirit in their service to Jehovah.  They are greatly missed,  but we are all very happy for them and the receiving congregation.

I have about a month to go in the country, I hope to work hard during every last minute.  I definitely hope to return and serve here in Waspam longer with Jehovah’s help. I absolutely love it.  I feel a steady progress with the language. The  last part I gave at the theocratic ministry school I was able to translate all by myself, the one before  I did half, and the one before that I did only one sentence.  So it’s refreshing to feel actual progress. I know it’s not at all by my merits but Jehovah’s hand that gives power beyond what is normal.  I apologize for my lack of pictures this time round. Hopefully I can get some from the friends here so you can see what we’ve been up to.  Love you! Please take care and may Jehovah bless you.