We were privileged enough to be able to work a community about a half hour away on bus, called Bon Sirpi. Though many in town were not at home due to a funeral, those that were received us eagerly and warmly. The first man I spoke to told me that something told him we had the true religion, and I was able to place a Baibil Smalkisa (Bible Teach) book with him. He was going to look for the KH the next time he was in Puerto because he also wanted a Greatest Man and Revelation book he had seen once. Another young man stayed home from church that Saturday thinking he would learn more if he stayed and read his bible, which is exactly what we found him doing. He also gladly accepted a Bible Teach book. The following happened to some brothers that day but Jess related it best: Interestingly enough, as the man lay on his death bed he told his niece (who is the one that told us the story) that the “true religion and genuine love was not marked by people donating food. Rather, it was marked by people that would go out and teach others.” So she was very pleased when the following day, who other than the Witnesses show up at her door. She wrote down all the scriptures that the brothers cited to her so that she could read them to her family members when they returned.
The morning went by quickly as we finished the whole town and the last two hours were spent waiting for the bus and... napping:)
<< Saying goodbye to the most wonderful couple ever, the Matamoros. They are a huge blessing from Jehovah and helped us tremendously throughout our stay in Puerto. Such a fine example in so many ways! I'm SO happy they're my friends.
Our CO visit week. The second time Hugo and Margarita visited our congregation since we've been in Puerto. Sister Margarita special pioneered 10 yrs before she married and then they were specials for 4 before they got assigned to the circuit work. I was so happy I got to learn from and share in the ministry with her. On Wednesday of the visit we had the privilege of having pioneer meeting at our house! And then the Video at the meeting, Wow! Goodness how my eyes swelled up to see how 'Jehova esta haciendo Maravillas'- Exodo 15:11 And to have an itty bitty part of it fills me with so much gratitud.
My going away party was thankfully not a sobfest,
I was able to contain myself and it was really fun
and the food delicious!
These two groups of brothers were the teams for the biblical charades.
I won't mentioned who lost but you can tell from
their faces, except Hiroki who is always smiling
no matter what.
<< My pollito Cora's gift to me was a folkloric dance which I loved SO MUCH! She was beautiful.
With my Jael |
Yasuara, Kenya and little Dayton |
The Fuchinos: Hiroki and Megumi, another amazing couple! |