Monday, January 7, 2013

Kuswava kli aima wala lait balam

lit: llega tarde la tortuga otra vez.  

These will be monthly updates as they have been so far. I'm not very good at this but I DO think about all of you all the time!  Our month here in Puerto has felt both fast and yet our first day here seems so very long ago.  Claudia Diaz from back home joined us right before convention which was just an amazing experience, our attendance on Sunday 623, way more than expected.  9 were baptized and many came from very far to be here. But there was so much work to be done in preparation, cleaning of the place, the brothers dug and built outhouses for the ladies, and some university dorm rooms were washed and scrubbed to house the friends from various congregations. Everyone's house was filled to capacity but oh how we loved it!  The brothers who spoke at convention were excelent and each had about 4 talks throughout the 2 day abreviated program. A few of the talks were interpreted in Miskito.
Monday after convention we went to Tuapi, a river nearby to relax, play, and swim. We had fried fish and sugarcane and coconut water. A much needed day after so much  late nights, early mornings, hard work and lots of walking and preaching. Jehovah is good.

After about a week or so More friends from back home arrived, David, Annie and Noel. David and Annie's stay was SO much fun and we appreciated their positive attitude and zeal in the ministry, along with the jokes and dancing and great conversation. Just too short of a stay! (Miss you guys).  Last week Jasmin, Arelid and Sarai arrived.  It's been so wonderful having them here!
Service has been amazing, Gaining new bible studies thanks to Jehovah and about 30+ rvs, the conversations door to door are amazing and leave you so happy and grateful to be used to reach them with the good news, oh how so many are in need of comfort and the liberating and refreshing bible truth.
 Jess, Olga and I have all given householder parts in the school in Miskito and last thursday we had demos on how to present the brochures for this month. I feel a slow and steady progress with the language which is encouraging.   A Japanese couple arrived a couple weeks ago: Megumi and Hiroki.  They are so smart and picking up the language as well.  They are pioneers who will be here in Puerto til next August.  They are very brave and seem to dive into conversations with the Miskitu using all they know.
We had our annual pioneer meeting with the elders recently, both from the Spanish and Miskitu we had 22 pioneers total.   One point I loved dealt with the apostal Paul.  based on 1Tim6:20 Guarda lo que ha sido despositado a tu cuidado.  The apostle Paul was so grateful for his ministry, he saw it like a treasure and though his gratitud was very much linked to his passed, he didn't let those feelings of regret/guilt related to his previous actions get in the way of his ministry. Instead it made him stronger and more determined to show his gratitude. So the brother mentioned different ways to show our gratitud in the ministry: Improving the quality of our teaching, using the tools the slave gives us which are the best, and in our manner of dress and grooming-never creating with it and obstacle for the householder.  He moved on to what is devocion piadosa and how to train for it.  Awesome, awesome, awesome..

Our family study is something we all look forward to now that it's a solid habit here at home. last week we invited the Antonios and their guests over for ours and we sang canticos and played "perspicacia" and ate yummy chocolate cake Claudia made. Prior to that we went to the beach in the morning and played "panuelo" or some kind of capture the hat game, had lunch, I went with the Japanese sis Megumi to do some studies and then it was adoracion en familia in the evening, a completely paraiso day;)

I will be traveling to Mexico in a couple weeks for one of my favorite's wedding: Olgeeta! SO excited!!! I'll be able to see my two sisters and brother Raul too, which is just an amazing plus.  Then I'll be back in Puerto  Cabezas after a week for more work and fun!  Love you all, I'm sure I missed a bunch of details but I'll try to send more pics. These again are all out of order, assembly hall cleaning, pioneer meeting, our guests, kingdom hall cleaning, baptism, our little brother Asael giving a PT etc. Cuidense mucho! Please write me when you get a chance